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United World
Muay Thai Association

Organization News

Train Hard
Muay Thai Fighters Respect all but Fear None

News And Events

Internal News

  1. House of Eight Limbs, LLC - Now Affiliate School
  2. Aajaan Doc will be hosting an event at Title Boxing Clun in Austin, TX
  3. Martial Arts Database - We are continuing to work hard to finish out top 80 of the worlds Martial Arts Database. Latest updates 1. Shaolin Kung Fu 2. Capoeira 3. Catch Wrestling 4. Combat Hapkido.  Database Link
  4. Khru Doc Promoted to Aajaan - Khru Doc has now been  teaching for over 30 years and has official become Aajaan Doc.  Aajaan Doc
  5. Khru Tai Bradley Promoted to Arjarn - With over 20 years of teaching Muay Thai and over 30 years in Muay Thai Martial Arts, he has been promoted to Arjarn. House of 8 Limbs
  6. Free Gear Promotions to all Suppliers. We are looking to help our over 17,000 members find the best workout gear, for the best prices. If you know any martial arts gear suppliers lookin for free AD space have them email our Chief Of Staff - Khru Bill at:
  7. We are looking for volunteers to help with various activities, We are a 501(C) organization, who can give you certified volunteer hours, for school, work or anyone needing volunteer time. We will also list you on our website as a volunteer. Please email us at:  for more information.


141 East 55th st,
New York, NY 10022


Houston, Texas
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